Risk Management in Construction Projects

Risk management is a system of analysing, identifying and responding to project risk. While most construction projects aim to achieve zero harm when it comes to the safety of people at the site, there are certain external risks that cannot be eliminated entirely; meaning that your construction projects need strong and detailed risk management protocols.

External risk management is a vital part of the ‘back office’ when it comes down to how you manage your risk exposure to your suppliers and service providers. When your exposure to external risk is managed properly, it ensures that the overall risk management policy for the project can be trickled down to all the suppliers and service providers that will be engaged on the project.

These external parties can make or break your success in a project and so managing this type of risk cannot be emphasised enough.

What can you expect from Wambeti Legal?

Our risk management service is an essential component of the overall risk management policy of your business. Our services focus on how to manage risk that comes with engaging suppliers and service providers in your construction project.

Our approach is simple: as a general rule, the lower the risk in the project or head contract, the more basic the scope of the risk management process will be. Likewise, the higher the project risk, the broader and deeper the risk management process will be.

Our bespoke solutions for risk management include:

  • Providing best practice tips for due diligence checks in the procurement process such as setting high standards for the vendors that help you deliver the project outcomes;
  • Creating bespoke quotation templates for your RFQs (request for quote) and/or tenders;
  • Providing easy to use checklists and tools to help you systematically review RFQ and/or tender responses; and
  • Drafting subcontracts in order to ensure that risk of the head contract is appropriately reflected in purchase orders or subcontracts.

Wambeti Legal also provides contract management services to complement the risk management requirements of your projects.

Why not give us a test drive?

One easy way to be confident in your choice to work with Wambeti Legal is to let us review an existing contract (no more than 60 pages) and the departures or changes you have prepared. We can provide a simple one-page review/feedback, for a set fee.

Or you can take advantage of our initial consultation offer to find out where you stand and what options are available to you.

You can start by booking an initial 15-minute complimentary session; obligation-free. This can be done in person, by phone or by video conference.

Book an initial complimentary session with us.

Book a Complimentary Session

0423 825 235 hello@wambetilegal.com.au

Booking your 'test drive' or simply getting a quick answer to that nagging question is only a phone call away.

Why choose Wambeti Legal?